Brotherhood Medicine

ORT : Friedrichshof, 2424 Zurndorf Nähe Neusiedl/See
LEITUNG: Thierry Francois & Martin Steixner
BEGINN : Freitag 06.12.2024
ENDE : Sonntag 08.12.2024
PREIS : EUR 320,-
BIS : 31.08.2024


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Brotherhood Medicine

How does life dance with you, brother ? 
What does it take to be a partner, a friend, a leader, a father and a man ? 

We invite you to join us for the first Brotherhood Medicine Gathering of men: 
to explore the freedom that comes through dance as we expand our abilities to move wild and freely, soft and conscious.

We create and hold a safe and sacred space of men who are willing to explore our inner being, our strength, our tenderness, our responsibility as man. 

Many of us need to become aware of our inner shadows and the ways in which we hold ourselves back from becoming the man we want to be. Transforming and healing, means to own and embrace all parts of ourselves. Focusing on our body’s dance aligns the heart and mind and brings us to unity. 

Finding the inner resource to share our vulnerability with other men and receive each others support is priceless. Accepting our differences and our biases, we discover how alive, inspired, grounded and connected we can be.

Our work is based on the 5Rhythms®, Soul Motion® and Men-specific work.

Are you a true dancing spirit, brother ?
Then join us. 

The weekend is led by :
Thierry Francois, Actor, Psychotherapist and 5Rhythms Teacher
Martin Steixner, Trager Facilitator, Imago Coach and Soul Motion Teacher
Both have been leading workshops and men-groups for many years.

Schedule and organizational details:
Friday, December 6th, 2024: 09:00: check-in, 10:00 : start of activities

our time together ends on Sunday, December 8th, 2024 at around 17:00.

In between, the time will be intense.


Hotel am Friedrichshof,
Römerstraße 2
2424 Zurndorf

€ 320, low income pricing on request.
Early Bird price € 280 till August 31, 2024.

Room prices including all meals:
Single room: 275 EUR/weekend (waiting list)
Double room: 261 EUR/weekend/pers
Triple room: 247 EUR/weekend/pers
Please let us know what kind of room you prefer, if not, we will book you in a double room.

Further questions?

To Soulrhythms Website

General Terms and Conditions.

Free cancellation and rebooking up to one week after registration. Processing fee up to 2 months before the start € 40.- in case of cancellation, € 30.- in case of rebooking.

Cancellation from 60th to 21st day before start: 50% of the course fee will be refunded or is due.

From 20 days before the start: No refund or full payment is due if the fee has not yet been paid.
For a handling fee of € 50,- a substitute participant can be named and the place can be passed on. A no-show-up, for whatever reason, does not release from the obligation to pay. 
The processing or cancellation fees apply regardless of whether or not the participation fee has been paid at the time of cancellation.
 A refund of not consumed teaching units is not possible. Cancellation fees for already booked rooms and accommodations depend on the cancellation conditions of the respective event houses and must be clarified with them independently. We are not liable for any fees incurred due to non-attendance.
In case of a very low number of participants we reserve the right to cancel events or to hold them in a shortened form. This also applies if regulations or travel restrictions make it impossible or unreasonable to travel to the event. Fees already paid will be refunded fully in the event of cancellation, or pro rata in the event of curtailment. If regulations or travel restrictions make the arrival or implementation impossible, an alternative date will be named. If you cannot participate at this alternative date, there is the possibility of a free cancellation up to one week before the start of the original date.
Otherwise the following applies

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